
Comic Dance Festival by Tyler Wood

An empty stage, brightly lit, sits empty. Then a shoe flies from stage left right into the middle of the stage. Then another shoe, and another. By the end of the opening sequence a street shoe stall had been thrown onto the stage and then seemingly confused ajjumas appear and act as if they are shopping with a male barker helping them find the shoes of their dreams. They put their shoes back on and the group of about 10 ajjumas, one ajoshi, and a random young guy slowly begin to enter a drum circle, it seems, and start hippie interpretive dancing to Korean trot music. At one point they have a circle mirror dance going where everyone is following the unchoreographed moves of one of their own at a music stand before that devolves into a conga line that includes random ass slaps. 

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Standing on Hong Kong's Shoulders by Tyler Wood

The icon of Hong Kong sits just behind the mesmerizing cityscape that is the modern metropolis. When I was there the sky was not accommodating and was shedding it’s water weight. I was only there for a weekend, so I didn’t have time or patience for the clouds’ weight problem. As the day went on, walking around the raised walking paths from shopping center to shopping center, the sky began to finish it’s weight cleanse and go elsewhere to no doubt cry into a tub of ice-cream. This was my chance to see the view from Victoria Peak. 

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